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Clock & Timer Development Kits > Clock & Timer Development Kits

Adafruit Adalogger Featherwing - Rtc + Sd Add-On For All Feather Boards

(Giá chưa VAT).
Mã kho: 1245518

Mã nhà sản xuất: 2922

Đơn vị tính: Each

Liên hệ để có giá tốt (Vietnam: 0898.332.898,  E-mail:

Part number: 2922
Get greater functionality from your Feather board with the Adalogger FeatherWing Clock (RTC) Board. It’s easy to add datalogging with the I2C real time clock (PCF8523) with 32KHz crystal and battery backup, plus microSD socket that connects to the SPI port pins (+ extra pin for CS). It work with any Feather board. Simply fit it directly on top of your Feather using stacking header pins.