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Development Kits > Radio Frequency Development Kits

Eric4/9/LoRa Development Kit Inc Gps

(Giá chưa VAT).
Mã kho: 1713744

Liên hệ để có giá tốt (Vietnam: 0898.332.898,  E-mail:

Part number: ER-EVK-01
You can run this flexible board via either the host, the USB connection or the built in three cell (4.5V) switched battery supply on the reverse. To access the u-blox GNSS receiver module serial data, simply use the second micro USB connector (labelled ‘GPS USB interface’). You can see receiver messages using any serial terminal software program – or you can use the u blox U-Centre evaluation software to get to know this device and really put it through its paces. The on board Microchip PIC24HJ32GP302 is pre-programmed with a bootloader and application software to access different functions using the Mode Select switch.